Please contact us if you have any further questions.
Can I customise my louvre product?

Absolutely! All Louvres by Design products are custom manufactured to each customers specific site requirements. You can customise further by combining different products in our range and with the addition of our remote operated and automated sensor systems.

What colours are available and can I match existing colours?

Louvres by Design offers a full range of standard aluminium joinery powder coat colours as well as more architectural and industrial colour pallets. This allows us to match and compliment your existing exterior colours.

How do I clean and maintain my Louvres by Design system?

Please refer to our product guarantee for recommended care and maintenance.

We also offer a cleaning and maintenance program to keep your Louvres By Design system looking and running optimally for years to come.

How is my Louvres by Design system installed?
Our Louvres by Design Directors will talk you through your site-specific installation requirements at our no-obligation site visit.